Finally, after 8 months of planning and fund raising, the first stage of Utopian Realism is underway!
Mair and I have been fortunate enough to gain some funding from both the Arts Council Wales and the Arts Council England to help finance this project. So we are now able to travel between the North East of England and Wales and spend time together at a variety of locations in order to explore ideas concerning technology, co operative living and sustainability in relation to the geographical characteristics of these places and the people that live and have lived amongst them.
This blog will chart our journey from exploratory visits to the exhibition of finished art works. We are going to work very closely together on this project, producing at least one collaborative art work. We will both be making posts here so if you follow this blog you will be witness to the development of a collaborative practice. Part of my interest in contributing to this blog is to make our creative process as open and accessible as possible so please feel free to comment and enter into the discussion.
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