I've just finished making a "virtual sculpture" using Google SketchUp. I thought I wanted to make a "real sculpture" using coloured acrylic blocks, but I've been contemplating how to reduce the amount of "stuff" I use in my practice (particularly "stuff" that could have a harmful impact on the environment), not to mention clogging up my living space! So I opted to make a computer model instead. I think seeing Suneil's CAD designs for the components of his RepRap machine also had a big impact on me.
Anyhow the" virtual sculpture" (yet to be named) is a colour coded interpretation of a piece of text by Robert Owen. In the text he writes about arrangements of population, I guess it is a town planning policy but in very grandiose language. So I have been plugging away on my computer for the past week turning letters of the alphabet into beautifully coloured transparent columns.
The up shot of this is I have been lost in my own psychedelic world and was overjoyed to see colour just as vivid in the real world.
The photo above shows my husband's chilli crop.